
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Trichotillomania-Psyched to the hair

Trichotillomania is actually an irresistible desire to tug out hair from the scalp, eyebrows or any other areas of the body. Hair tugging from the scalp usually results in patchy bald areas, which people with trichotillomania might go to great lengths to hide. For many people, trichotillomania can be mild and usually controllable. For others, the desire to pull hair is tremendous and can be coupled with considerable distress. Some treatment methods have helped lots of people reduce their hair tugging or stop completely.

Many people with trichotillomania tug hair in secret and generally try to conceal the disorder from others. For a few people, hair pulling is deliberate and focused. Indications of trichotillomania often include:

· Repeatedly tugging the hair out, usually from your scalp, eye brows or eyelashes, however it can be from other entire body areas as well

· A powerful urge to pull locks, followed by feelings associated with relief after the locks are pulled

· Patchy hairless areas on the head or other areas of the body

· Eyelashes or eye brows not uniform

· Chewing the pulled out hair

· Playing with pulled-out hair like rubbing the hair on your lips or even face

The main cause of trichotillomania is not clear. But like numerous complex disorders, trichotillomania most likely results from a combination of hereditary and environmental elements. Also, abnormalities within the natural brain chemical substances serotonin and dopamine are likely involved in trichotillomania. From the above given causes, those at risk can be identified. Genealogy, adolescence, gender (usually females), negative emotions and certain disorders are more at risk.

As there is no physical cause of trichotillomania, it has to be treated using psychotherapy. It employs a habit reversal strategy where the patient is told about his or her disease and gradually made to change their habit.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Hair Tips: what men can learn from women

When it comes to taking care of one’s body, women far outscore men. Be it nurturing their skin, fingernails or hair, women seem to be more aware of their body’s needs whereas guys generally tend to overlook the finer things in life. Hair care is one of the areas where they can learn from the expertise of women. Given underneath are some of the ways in which women look after their hair, which even men can try to replicate.

Washing hair: Women do make it a point to wash their hair at least one a week religiously. One thing to keep in mind is that the type of hair you have is crucial in determining how much washing it needs. And while washing check to ensure that the temperature is lukewarm. And then while bathing gently massage your scalp.

Combing: Combing your hair plays an important part in nurturing it. If you have ever seen a female comb her hair you might have noticed the time she takes in combing. Try to copy her style and take some time to comb your hair. Choose a right hair comb and do not share it with anyone. Hair is the most fragile when wet, hence be gentle while combing.

Environment: Women never venture out in the sun (in excess), they do not simple dive into the swimming pool without proper protection and they always steer clear of dust and dirt. The point being made is that women are more aware about their surroundings than men. Whether it is your skin or your hair, being in contact with pollutants or sun for too long has an adverse effect.
Diet: This is unfortunately one thing that even women seem to be neglecting nowadays. But a diet ample in calcium, iron and silica is essential for strengthening your hair from the inside.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Hair care for men and women

Hair care for men and women

With so many cosmetics available in the market for hair, people just jump on to any product they can lay their hands on, not knowing that these product designed to save their hair usually ruins it. Hair care is a very tricky issue, the main reason being that every individual’s hair requires special and unique treatment. This is because their hair issues are also unique for instance some may suffer from hair loss, baldness, hair thinning, dandruff, dry hair, hair shaft breakage etc.

The reasons for the aforementioned issues may also vary from individual to individual. For some it may be due to hormonal imbalances while for others the reasons may range from minor or major surgeries, genealogy, and wrong diet, lack of sleep, stress, depression or side effects of any medications. And of course a person’s gender plays a key role as well. Before deciding upon any treatment or using any product a person needs to understand his or her hair well enough. It would be a lot helpful for you to conduct some of the below tests which will help you understand the products you need (and these tests are a onetime thing),

Blood tests determine the nutrient value present in your blood and hence help the physician suggest a perfect diet as per your body’ need.

Hair pull test determines the strength of the roots. This determines whether you are in need of any products that contain Minoxidil.

Hair shaft examination is essential for men as it is a prevalent problem amongst most men.

Density count is done using video microscopy. In here the number of hair per square centimeter of the scalp is measured. The hair at the sides, back and crown are then compared to see if any disparity exists.

Although there are many other test used to analyze one’s hair, these are the common few that gives an overall picture of a person’s hair health.